Mankind were created to be a social being to mingle and interact with one another. This is the reason people love gatherings like: weddings, football matches, clubbing, anniversary celebration etc and is also a reason some people can never stay at home, they will go out to look for who to talk to. We cannot survive without interaction. People like Mark the founder of Facebook realized that mankind are social being therefore they created an app where people can easily interact with one another, remember old friends and make new ones. Our lives is now on an app that people find it difficult to stay one day without checking those apps including myself. Both old and young are on it, some disguise in it to deceive young girls. Facebook, became popular among Nigeria youths around 2015 because it was 2go that was trending then.

We called our parents old school which is somehow true, in some years to come we will be the social media parents and the truth is when that time comes we will not be able to control our children. Now that we are young we go on Facebook to post things without thinking, we thought we are enjoying ourselves not knowing that everything we post on Facebook will remain there till the world end including what you think you have deleted. Social media has come to stay there is nothing we can do to change it.


🚫 How can you tell your daughter in future not to follow men when she has check your Facebook account seeing all your pictures with boys and you were hugging them in the pictures calling them my boo??

🚫 How can you tell your sons that he is too young to have a girlfriend when he checked your Facebook seeing you with different girls and you were even kissing some, calling them bae

🚫 How can you tell your daughter to dress decent when she has seen all your pictures on Facebook with your breast outside??

🚫 How can you tell your children about Christ when they have checked your Facebook no sign of in any church program??

🚫 How can tell your children you don't have money to celebrate their birthday when they have checked your Facebook with your expensive birthday celebration pictures??

🚫 How can you tell your children about school after they have seen post on Facebook saying school is scam???

If we do not correct ourselves now our future will be terrible

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