How to Treat Hair Fall Naturally – The Ultimate Guide

How to Treat Hair Fall Naturally – The Ultimate Guide

How to Treat Hair Fall Naturally – The Ultimate Guide

 Are you looking for natural hair loss remedies? You may be facing the issue of hair falling. If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place to get the reliable information and natural remedies for treating your hairfall problems.

Hair fall is a common phenomenon especially among men and generally among women. Although it does not put any physical impact on your body, but the emotional effects are greater. Hair is the sign of beauty in men and women. They play a magnificent role in the personality and beauty of an individual. Therefore, the issue of hair falling is taken seriously by everyone of us.

Moreover, we may experience the promotional ads of various companies where a person with hair and without hair shows a significant change in personality. Regardless of a higher level of development in medicine and surgery, there is no reasonable treatment for hair falls. Those who are facing this issue have to transplant their hair or they choose the option of a wig. The first one is the most adopted in recent days.

What are the reasons of Hairball:

Hair Massage

Among many other natural and effective remedies for hair fall, massage is one of the most effective natural techniques to control your hair fall. This activity will boost the circulation of blood in your scalp, which will certainly improve the growth of hair. 

It is believed by a dermatologist that massage of the scalp enhances the thickness of dermal papilla cells. These cells are located at the bottom of the hair follicle, and play a significant role in shedding of hair and the regrowth cycle.

Fish Oil

Fish oil that is rich in Omega fatty acid is also a good source to improve the growth of your hair. Where massage is an outward technique to control hair fall. Fish oil is an inside method to improve the growing capacity of your hair. Fish oil is filled with proteins and nutrients that also play a role in the growth and promotion of various cells. 

The antioxidant elements in fish oil are perfect things for people who are facing the issue of hair falling. Moreover, the Omega fatty acids in fish oil also improve and boost your immune system, which further play role in better health.

You should consult with your doctor before adding the fish oil to your diet for better results and for perfect growth of your hair.

Onion Juice

Onion Juice is also a perfect natural remedy to treat the hair fall. If you can handle the smell of onion juice, onion juice is among the most effective remedies for hair fall. Because onion juice perfectly treats alopecia areata, it is an autoimmune situation where a body attacks hair follicles which further causes the loss of hair in different parts of your body.

Furthermore, onion juice is also considered a good circulation factor. It improves the circulation of blood in your body. It is also a significant mediator for hair follicle growth and development.

For applying onion juice, first squeeze some onions and get onion water from them. After this, apply the juice or water of the onion on to the scalp and leave for 15 minutes. After this, wash your hair with some good shampoo.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is also a natural remedy to control your hair loss. It is commonly used by men and women. This oil is very effective in improving hair growth and hair health. Further, it also helps your scalp with growing new hair.

While applying this oil, mix some drops of rosemary oil into carrier oil, such as Jojoba Oil etc, and massage your scalp. You can repeat this massage a few times a week.

Likewise, you can also add some drops of rosemary oil into your shampoo or conditioner. But you should not directly use the essential oils on your skin. You should mix the essential oils with some other carrier oil or conditioner.

Use of Lemon

The intake of lemon or use of lemon oil, are both effective and natural techniques for treating your hair fall. This technique will enhance the growth and regrowth of your hair. The use of lemon also improves the health of your hair and its roots get strength into your scalp. 

Apply lemon juice to your scalp for 20 minutes and then wash it with some shampoo. You can also use the lemon juice with some carrier oil. 

What are the main Causes of Hair Fall?

  1. Cancers
  2. Genetics
  3. Medications
  4. Thyroids
  5. Nutritional disorders


  • Do not put your hair into tight ponytails.
  • Sleep with some good satin pillowcase.
  • Do not use any kind of hard dyes as well as bleaches that can break hair.
  • Do not let your hair dry for longer period, keep them moisturize.

Bottom Line:

The issue of hair fall may vary from person to person. You should always first of all try to locate the reason for your hair falling. It may be genetic, excessive use of medication, tension or some other factor. After finding the reason of hair fall then adopt the remedy accordingly at the direction of your doctor. 

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