How we stole 1400 phones, sold them for N84m – Suspect
One of the suspects paraded by Ondo Amotekun Says
” We have stolen 1,400 expensive telephones from important personalities in the seven states that we have successfully operated, and have made over N84 million from the stolen telephones.
” For a period of six months, we have robbed these people of their expensive telephone and made the said amount.
These were the confession of members of an inter-state robbery syndicate apprehended by the Ondo state security outfit codenamed Amotekun and paraded in Akure, the state capital.
The leader of the gang, Ali Muhammad, said in an interview, that they have succeeded in stealing 200 expensive phones from each of the seven states they’ve operated.
Also speaking, a 31 year old girlfriend of one of the three suspects, Victoria Iyagbe, narrated how they carried out some of their operations, especially at big shops where expensive phones were sold.
“Whenever we arrive at any of the big shops, we pretend like normal customers who want to buy phones with hooded faces and with our heads covered with jackets.
“While bargaining the prices, we would confuse the seller using some tricks and the moment we got the target, we remove the jackets and stylishly place it on top of the items and abscond with them
The state commander of Amotekun, Chief Adetunji Adeleye, while parading the suspects, said that they have stolen over 200 phones in each state they had operated.
“Ondo State is the seventh state and they have made over N84 million from the enterprise within six months.”
“The gang members lodged in a 5-star hotel in Akure, with one of their girlfriends and hired commercial motorcycle riders to take them round the metropolis for assessment.
“Having surveyed the town, the following day, they would hit the streets, stealing people’s expensive phones in cunning ways they had rehearsed. And they had applied such severally for successful operations.
“After the arrest of the syndicate, they took the Amotekun Corps operatives to the various locations where they had robbed their victims.”
Some of the victims, were at the Amotekun Corps headquarters in Akure to collect their handsets.
Source: Vanguard