JIFAN ft. Nomis & Hezma – ‘Ubepalo Part 1’

JIFAN ft. Nomis & Hezma – ‘Ubepalo Part 1’

 Ubepalo – Be A Blessing!

Genesis 12:1-3; The Lord had said to Abram,”Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing…..and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

God is calling Abram and the calling has a command and a promise. Abram is tried, whether he loved his native soil and dearest friends or he could willingly leave all to go along with God. Abram had to leave all his country, his culture and the customs of worshipping idols and follow The Lord into the nation which he would show him. He had to trust entirely on the guidance of God and wherever He might lead him. His departure required an unparalleled act of faith. He was told nothing about the nation to which he must go. Abram is not only to receive a blessing, but to be a blessing or a medium of blessing to the nations.

God is making us into a great nation; numerically, influentially and spiritually. This will cost you big time; your security, your rights/status/title, your money, your friendships/relationships, your resources, even your job/livelihood.

God is BLESSING us so that we may bless other nations. The blessing that you have is not yours but others’, so share it.

JESUS Christ is the great blessing of the world; the greatest ever that the world was blessed with. Choose to Be Like Jesus, Imitate Jesus! Pala Pala Yesu!

Disciples of Jesus have one mission and this mission is all about to bless not to curse, encourage not to discourage, build not to distroy, mobilize not to demoralize, to love not to hate, valuing all people not to devalue, putting God’s work first not their’s, living in humility not pride, dying to self everyday, and all the time focusing on establishing true worship here, there and everywhere doesn’t exist. Are you a true disciple of Jesus? if yes! the above is your lifestyle which has been centered on Love and Obedience! You can live this life through Jesus Christ! Be like Jesus in your seeing, thinking, talking, acting and living. Just give yourself to Jesus He will bless nations through you regardless of your background, age, race, level of education, where you live, financial status, marital status etc. It’s all about your OBEDIENCE to His word and voice. Bless someone today to God’s glory. CHOOSE TO BE A BLESSING – UBEPALO! BE LIKE JESUS (PALA PALA YESU)

Dear Lord, we don’t dare trust in our own strength to do our tasks daily. You are the Giver of our gifts, talents, opportunities and resources. Help us to use them not for our own advancement, but to help others unconditionally for your glory. In Jesus Name. Amen! 🙏

Ubepalo – be a blessing to others especially that struggling child, youth and parent wherever you are and beyond boarders unconditionally only to the glory of God. Be kind and helpful to others now!

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