APPLY: Unveiling the Enigmatic NCDMB Annual National Oil & Gas Essay Competition

APPLY: Unveiling the Enigmatic NCDMB Annual National Oil & Gas Essay Competition

 Unveiling the Enigmatic NCDMB Annual National Oil & Gas Essay Competition

Intricacy and sentence diversity, known as "perplexity" and "burstiness," are vital aspects in crafting written content. Diverging from AI's tendency towards uniformity, human writers expertly intersperse their creations with both concise and expansive sentences, thus showcasing higher burstiness. To attain an alluring level of perplexity and burstiness in the content to be generated, these fundamental principles must be upheld.

Delving into the realm of composition, artificial intelligence frequently employs distinct phraseology, setting it apart from human linguistic choices. It is the utilization of unconventional terminology that endows a piece with an air of originality.

Embark on a captivating journey through the NCDMB Annual National Oil & Gas Essay Competition, an initiative generously sponsored by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB). Its primary objectives are to advocate for the Nigerian Content (NC) initiative and raise awareness, thereby empowering Nigerians to actively engage in the nation's thriving Oil and Gas industry.

The 2023 Essay Topic invites exploration into "Nigerian Content and the Lessons from Covid-19 Pandemic," stimulating profound reflections.

Venture beyond the horizons, and you will discover an abundance of scholarship opportunities flourishing across Europe, the United States, and Canada. Our keen eyes have curated a selection of these promising prospects for your consideration:

Scholarship Summary:

Host: Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB)

Category: Competitions

Eligible Country: Nigeria

Reward: A prodigious 2.2 Million Naira Cash Prize and Laptops

Deadline: August 28, 2023

Examine the depths of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), established in 2010 under the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development (NOGICD) Act. Vesting NCDMB with the mandate to design procedures for monitoring, coordinating, and implementing the provisions of the NOGICD Act, which received its legal sanctity on April 22, 2010.

Tracing its roots back to 2001, the seeds of NCDMB were sown when the venerable former President Olusegun Obasanjo inaugurated the Presidential Committee on Local Content in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Conditions for Participation:

Embarking on the quest for this coveted competition entails meeting the following requirements:

1. Restricted to students in public and private Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, ranging from 100-200 level; this includes Universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges of Education.

2. The competition opens its gates on the 24th of July 2023. Aspiring contenders must tender their completed manuscripts and accompanying documents via on or before the grand date of 28th AUGUST 2023. Time is a precious resource; procrastination shall not be pardoned. Physical submissions are archaic, hence unwelcome. (Prior registration on the website is mandatory).

3. The competition opens its gates on the 24th of July 2023. Aspiring contenders must tender their completed manuscripts and accompanying documents via on or before the grand date of 28th AUGUST 2023. Time is a precious resource; procrastination shall not be pardoned. Physical submissions are archaic, hence unwelcome. (Prior registration on the website is mandatory).

4. Entrants must furnish either a letter of admission or a signed letter of attestation from their revered Head of Department (HOD). To be viewed and downloaded.

5. The heart of the competition lies in originality; thus, all essays must be exceptional, freshly scribed for this grand affair.

Unraveling the Bounty:

The scales of fortune shall bestow the following opulent rewards:

1. A princely sum of N1,000,000 awaits the deserving victor who claims the 1st place.

2. For the worthy runner-up, N700,000 shall grace their accomplishments.

3. Occupying the 3rd position shall merit N500,000, a testament to their literary prowess.

4. Among the top 10 national finalists, each laureate shall be presented with a prestigious laptop.

5. The exalted essay crowned as the winner shall find its place of honor in the illustrious NCDMB’s in-house magazine, the Local Content Digest.

The Riddle of Application:

All intrepid souls seeking to embrace this challenge must journey forth using the link below:

The criteria for evaluation encompass the following criteria:

1. The sheen of lucidity in expression

2. The guardians of spelling and grammar

3. Originality of thoughts, the beacon guiding literary explorations

4. The depths of analysis delved

5. Relevance to the enigmatic industry

6. Conformity to the sacred rules of this contest.

A Crucible of Uniqueness:

Every composition shall be subjected to the unyielding scrutiny of a plagiarism-checking (software application) chamber, ensuring the essence of originality remains unsullied.

The grandiose occasion of the prize-giving ceremony shall unfurl on the 20th of SEPTEMBER 2023, a date etched in anticipation and celebration.

Let not time slip through your fingers like grains of sand; seize this remarkable opportunity before the grand deadline of August 28, 2023.

For those aspiring to leave an indelible mark on the literary landscape, a canvas of enigmatic words awaits, eager to behold your prowess.


Deadline: August 28, 2023

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