NECO 2023 Christian Religion Studies CRS Questions and Answers (Essay and OBJ)

NECO 2023 Christian Religion Studies CRS Questions and Answers (Essay and OBJ)

NECO 2023 Christian Religion Studies (CRS) Essay and Objective Questions and Answers

Christian Religion Studies (CRS) Exam: Essay and Objective Section

Time: 2:00pm – 4:30pm

Question Papers

Objective Answers



Essay Answers

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer four (4) questions in all, at least one (1) from each section


The account of God’s provision of a helper for Adam is found in the book of Genesis in the Bible. According to the story, God saw that it was not good for man (Adam) to be alone, so He decided to create a helper suitable for him. He created animals of all kinds, but none of them were found to be the perfect companion for Adam. God then took one of Adam’s ribs and made a woman from it. The woman was given to Adam as his helper and companion.

(i) There were no pre-existing social or legal norms regarding their relationship.
(ii) They had no knowledge of divorce or separation since they were the first couple.
(iii) The union was not a result of their own choice or decision but rather God’s will.
(iv) Their relationship was closer than that of spouses, since they shared everything, including a common soul.
(v) They did not make vows or pledges for their union, but simply accepted one another as they were.
(vi) They did not share a physical intimacy with any other person throughout their lives.

(i) To glorify God and bring Him pleasure.
(ii) To rule over the Earth and its resources.
(iii) To exercise dominion over the animal and plant kingdom.
(iv) To provide companionship to each other and increase in love.
(v) To be stewards of God’s creation and work the land.
(vi) To live in harmony with God, nature, and each other.


(i) Israel faced a period of moral decline due to Eli’s failure to discipline his sons, who were corrupt and exploited their positions as priests.
(ii) Israel suffered from a spiritual void without proper guidance from Eli due to his negligence in providing direction and counsel.
(iii) Israel was plagued by numerous social ills due to Eli’s inability to ensure justice, such as rampant violence and injustice in the land.
(iv) Israel lacked religious authority as Eli failed to take responsibility for the spiritual health of the nation.
(v) Israel’s military might was weakened without proper leadership from Eli as he neglected military matters.
(vi) Israel was left exposed to outside threats without the proper guidance of a wise leader.

(i) The importance of leading by example and taking responsibility for one’s actions.
(ii) The necessity of setting moral examples for children to follow.
(iii) The need to take an active role in providing guidance for one’s children.
(iv) The value of discipline in ensuring justice and fairness.
(v) The importance of imparting religious knowledge and traditions.
(vi) The power of a leader to shape the destiny of a nation.


The circumstances that led to the dismissal of Gehazi from the service of Elisha can be found in the biblical account in the book of 2 Kings.

Gehazi was the servant of Elisha, a prophet in the Old Testament. Elisha had performed a miracle by curing Naaman of his leprosy, whereupon Gehazi decided to take advantage of the situation and seek a reward for himself. He lied to Naaman and asked for money and clothing as payment for the miracle. Elisha found out about Gehazi’s deception and confronted him. As punishment for his dishonesty and greed, God cursed Gehazi with leprosy. Elisha then had no choice but to dismiss Gehazi from his service.

(i) Honesty is the best policy: Gehazi was dishonest and this led to his downfall;
(ii) Greed is destructive: Gehazi was motivated by greed which caused him to lose his job;
(iii) Obey God’s law: Gehazi disobeyed the law of God and suffered the consequences;
(iv) Show gratitude: Gehazi did not show gratitude to Elisha for his blessing, but instead wanted to take advantage of the situation;

(v) Do not judge others: Gehazi judged Naaman for not wanting to give him a reward and was punished for it; and
(vi) Stay true to your character: Gehazi allowed his lust for money to override his loyalty to Elisha, which led to his dismissal.



In St. Matthew’s account, the second temptation of Jesus Christ occurs when the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and tempts Him to throw Himself down, suggesting that the angels would save Him. The devil cites a passage in the Psalms. For the third temptation, the devil takes Jesus up to a high mountain and shows Him the kingdoms of the world and their glory, promising to give it all to Jesus if He would bow down and worship him.

(i) We must have absolute faith in God’s Word.
(ii) We must stand firm in our convictions and never compromise our beliefs.
(iii) We must remain humble and not desire worldly things or power.
(iv) We must recognize that temptation comes in many forms and we must be prepared to resist it.
(v) We should always put God first in our lives and seek His guidance in all we do.
(vi) Praying to God for guidance and strength is essential in standing strong against temptation.


Jesus Christ’s appearance to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus was an event filled with profound meaning and revelation. After His crucifixion and burial, these disciples were overwhelmed with grief, confusion, and doubt. Little did they know that they were about to experience a momentous encounter. As they walked along the road, Jesus suddenly joined them and began to explain the scriptures concerning His suffering, death, and resurrection. Although they did not recognize Him at first, the two disciples were emboldened by His teachings and were eager to learn more.

(i) We should always be open to learning new lessons from the Scriptures.
(ii) Our faith should motivate us to take action in our lives.
(iii) Place your trust in God, even in the midst of sorrow and despair.
(iv) Jesus Christ is always with us, even when we can’t recognize it.
(v) Rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
(vi) When we reach out and share our faith, it can bring transformation to those around us.


The work of Philip in Samaria can be found in the biblical book of Acts. After the martyrdom of Stephen, a devout follower of Jesus, a great persecution arose against the early Christians in Jerusalem. As a result, many believers were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. Philip, one of the seven servants chosen by the apostles to serve in the Church, was one of these believers.

Philip’s work in Samaria started with the conversion of a magician called Simon. Philip then preached the gospel throughout the region. He also performed many miracles which amazed the people. As a result, many people believed in Jesus and were baptized.

(i) The Holy Spirit gave Philip power and enabled him to perform miraculous signs among the people.
(ii) The Holy Spirit could be seen descending on people like a dove when they were baptized.
(iii) The Holy Spirit gave people the ability to speak in other languages.
(iv) The Holy Spirit gave people knowledge and understanding of spiritual matters.
(v) The Holy Spirit helped Philip reveal the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Samaritans.
(vi) The Holy Spirit gave people the courage to follow Jesus despite opposition from their families and peers.



Jesus Christ’s Description of Himself as the Living Bread. Jesus Christ, during his earthly ministry, often used metaphors and symbols to convey deeper spiritual truths to his followers. One such instance is when he described himself as the “living bread” during a gathering in Jerusalem.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus said to the multitude: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever…” (John 6:51). After Jesus made this statement, many of the people began to doubt and ask, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” But Jesus didn’t take their questions literally—he was giving a spiritual application of what it meant to partake in the heavenly bread that only He could provide.

(i) Jesus provides sustenance for the soul, just as bread provides sustenance for the body.
(ii) His bread provides physical, mental, and spiritual nourishment necessary for life.
(iii) Just as traditional bread is a staple of life, Jesus is the staple of eternal life.
(iv) By receiving the bread of life, we can have hope and joy in all circumstances.
(v) Jesus provides true satisfaction; just as we never truly feel full after having consumed regular bread, so too, we will always desire more of Jesus’ bread.
(vi) Those who partake in the bread of life can have assurance of His love and an eternal hope.


(i) Submission to authorities: Paul emphasizes the importance of obeying and submitting to the governing authorities in Romans 13:1-7. He teaches that these authorities have been established by God and therefore, should be respected and obeyed.
(ii) Paying taxes: Paul urges Christians to pay their dues in the form of taxes. He states that this is a way of expressing our submission to the governing authorities and respect for law and order.
(iii) Exercise justice: Paul’s teaching on civic responsibility also includes a call to exercise justice. We should not only seek justice for ourselves but should also strive for justice in our society as a whole.
(iv) Respect for the governing laws: Paul encourages Christians to obey the laws of the land, protect property, and practice justice and fairness in all civil matters.
(v) Respect for human life: Paul encourages Christians to value the lives of others and to show respect for all human life.
(vi) Love your neighbor: Paul emphasizes the importance of loving your neighbor by reminding us that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

(i) Obeying the laws of the land.
(ii) Paying taxes.
(iii) Keeping public areas clean and free from litter.
(iv) Participating in local elections.
(v) Reporting criminal activity.
(vi) Volunteering in community services.


According to the book of First Peter, Christian leaders should relate to their followers by being examples for them to follow. They should shepherd their flock willingly, not for profit or personal gain, but with eagerness and a genuine desire to serve.

(i) Secularization: The prevalence of secular beliefs and values among people in many societies can create challenges for Christian leaders in leading their congregations and maintaining a moral standard.
(ii) Technology: New technologies affect how information is shared and can create ethical issues around privacy and oversight of communications.
(iii) Shortage of volunteers: Many churches are struggling to find leadership roles filled due to a lack of available volunteers.
(iv) Burnout: Long hours and limited resources can cause Christian leaders to become overwhelmed and burned out.
(v) Increased public scrutiny: With greater access to social media and the internet, Christian leaders face increased public scrutiny and criticism for their actions.
(vi) Complexity of the church: Churches must address complex social and economic issues which often require Christian leaders to navigate complex situations in order to make a positive difference.

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